Sunday, November 15, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Coming soon..
been working on a new website recently,
compiling my work, and making this a "blog" like site, probably will do my art updates there.. will see :)
compiling my work, and making this a "blog" like site, probably will do my art updates there.. will see :)
Monday, September 21, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
zbrushing update
Friday, August 21, 2009
s q u a r e
it's a format i heart! enjoy..
compilation of the medium format that i've taken during my stay in California, and still adding.
Friday, June 12, 2009

also few days back before my birthday, went out with buddy kokheng and did some cool stuffs that i believe lots of people that plays guitar would love to have something like this :)
but well i still want to thanks everyone that wished me and all the nice words ! thanks! 25 y'old. 25. oh my.. :) but man! i do have a really good time and really striving for what i want in my career. worked so hard yet played .. even harder! :D i'm pretty sure that this kind of things only happen once in a life time. this chapter is going to be interesting in my life. experienced the unexperienced. and fullfilled the un-fullfilled... just felt that im dang lucky! yeah. although people always said 一天,二命,三风水. yet, you have to work hard to get what you wanted. and ofcourse.. luck still plays a big role here ..
Birthday was a peacefull one this year :) thanks to buddies that bang into my room and feed me with coke! and had a nice and loud 飲勝! appreciate it guys! and of course a surprise bday cake that has a "25" number shaped candle on it! and when im like 101%full from dinner. haha .. priceless! thanks doodes!. eat well, sleep well, dreamt well.. what a nice way to pass a birthday. love it.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 2

also few days back before my birthday, went out with buddy kokheng and did some cool stuffs that i believe lots of people that plays guitar would love to have something like this :)
MTV ! :)
open field + strong wind + sun shades + electric guitar + 360 video pan ! oh man :) another priceless outing!
we always said that should bring my guitar out for shooting, but just dont feel like it. firstly because it's huge and takes off lots of space of my car.. i own a small car. And, well it's my baybeeh. but well must give it some sunny love i guess! :D well . we did it!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
是在向前走吗?还是在向后?是在追求着吗?还是在放弃?要学的怎么去平衡吧。要追求某样,也就是说要放弃某样。 日子过的就了,头脑开始发育了。活了二十多年是白白活的吗?我在追求的是对的吗?我所在努力的,后来会变成空吗?如果追求的将来等于空。 那我又该转向那方面呢?只有那么一条路吗?想想到底自己的长处还有什么。我能够吗?放弃梦想,继续走一条比较安全,实在的前途。 我的平衡力能够长久吗?开始觉得、或者是说明白为什么别人会说,"passion is your fuel, and skill is only your mobility" 有梦想才是你的推动力,一个人有多少的能力是重要的。听起来又好像需要积极一点,不断向前。 其实,推动了和能力是相依为命,谁都不能够没有谁,没有能力,更多的推动力只会变成压力,最后只有白做。如果实力十足,没有推动力,是多么的可惜。 所以这两方面都需要一定的平衡。拼个命去追求一个自己没有能力得到的,最后别说得到,可能失去的比自己想得到的还要多。 可是如果不去尝试,那里会知道自己的能不能得到?

其实,这是没有的辩的。都是需要一定的平衡的吧。 说到一大堆,我其实想表达的是。。
这条路很难走。。 可是学会怎么平衡。一点就不难了。不付出,就不能得到。所以。。 我也不懂,就看看吧。
还好我有一个是肯定不会错的。即使要我用这条老命来换,我也心甘情愿。因为这条路不是空的。。 应该学习平衡平衡。都找到最好的了,为什么还需要追求一些空的呢?够了就好了,给再多就=压力。
:) oh, some shots from my weekend trip. enjoy.

have a nice weekend y'all!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
first successful sketch
stopped here before it's too late

happy that i've finally got over with zbrush! but now it's pickup time! and happy that i succeeded my first sketch! *pat on my back! Hurray! ok. Time to sleep.
ciaos y'all!

happy that i've finally got over with zbrush! but now it's pickup time! and happy that i succeeded my first sketch! *pat on my back! Hurray! ok. Time to sleep.
ciaos y'all!
Friday, May 8, 2009
been soo busy working and playing recently :) never got the chance to do stuffs that i'll enjoy. some own stuffs!
always wanted to get into zbrushing, and always things turn out worse than i'd expect i'll be doing.. firstly having technical difficulties, secondly, very time consuming to go through the video tutorials i had with me for years! :p . Thanks to a buddy of mine that guide me through the stuffs that i've known and things that i've not known. and finally the "WTF!" stage is over! and got hang of it already.
And are having real fun with it! wip. . usavich! :) an interpretation of my version..

still lost more to learn , ways to do things faster etc.. i guess it takes time and practice. ah! at least something i enjoy doing :) i picked this line up from a tutorial by a concept artist he said "i prefer starting straight from zbrush and have fun with it. Instead of starting the base mesh from 3rd party 3d apps. because by the time when u get your base mesh ready from there, you might already loose your interest with it." which i think it's dang true, that's at least what happened to me, not sure for everyone else here. always caught up by the technical stuffs from 3dmax or maya, the amount of afford to put in there took out a large portion of my interest to continue on sculpting it. or simply, maybe i just suck at it! :D oh well .. more to come!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
前天的暴冷,今天又暴热 ! 自从来到加州的我。从没感受过无缘无故的,这样站着都会流汗的那种感觉!今天,我流汗了! 我!终于流汗了! 除了运动或者是吃了什么超级辣的东西之外,都没有流过汗了!哇,对我着个“过动儿”(penny帮我取的外号)来说,不简直就是一级棒吗?因为都这么厉害流汗,汗孔应该是吃了兴奋剂。拼命的流汗,好似唔晒 $ o甘。可能就是‘人’吗,人最厉害就是犯贱吗。。 今天既然,无缘无故的流了少许的汗!哇,兴奋到啊。 或许是因为想家吧。。哦,然后冲了个冷水凉。wohoo! 不知该怎么表达我的兴奋! :) 天气冷, 都没有机会能够洗个清冷的澡。哈。爽!
mm, 傻够了。 就当我没讲过什么。:)
来个小update ..
Few weeks back, a group of us went to Yosemite (yo-sayhh-meh-tee) . Somewhere northeast about 5-6 hours from our place. Kinda big group this time round, as we had never traveled in this big before *12 of us. 6 joined because they wanted to camp there, and the rest of us will not join the camping. It's dang cold out there. When we were there, reached around 5+ and was still able to catch the sunrise, and the tempreture was about -11ºc. That was what the iphone said. but well it's not -3 or -6 not as cold as we were during our stay in Grand Canyon. but anyway, few of us were under dressed. Experienced the chill that can dry your skin in few mins and then it started to get itchy. But the scenery was WOW, so WOW that we have forgotten that it's so cold over there :) Mountains everywhere, and at leasat one waterfall for each of the mountains! breath taking view. Believe that it's gonna be prettier during summer. But some of our mates went there during winter and that was pretty awesome too! a lot of the ugly branches and stuffs was covered by thick white snow, it'll give a treat or some when it comes to photo taking.
anyway, a picture speaks louder than words. share some shots here. cheers!

more photos here !
mm, 傻够了。 就当我没讲过什么。:)
来个小update ..
Few weeks back, a group of us went to Yosemite (yo-sayhh-meh-tee) . Somewhere northeast about 5-6 hours from our place. Kinda big group this time round, as we had never traveled in this big before *12 of us. 6 joined because they wanted to camp there, and the rest of us will not join the camping. It's dang cold out there. When we were there, reached around 5+ and was still able to catch the sunrise, and the tempreture was about -11ºc. That was what the iphone said. but well it's not -3 or -6 not as cold as we were during our stay in Grand Canyon. but anyway, few of us were under dressed. Experienced the chill that can dry your skin in few mins and then it started to get itchy. But the scenery was WOW, so WOW that we have forgotten that it's so cold over there :) Mountains everywhere, and at leasat one waterfall for each of the mountains! breath taking view. Believe that it's gonna be prettier during summer. But some of our mates went there during winter and that was pretty awesome too! a lot of the ugly branches and stuffs was covered by thick white snow, it'll give a treat or some when it comes to photo taking.
anyway, a picture speaks louder than words. share some shots here. cheers!

more photos here !
Saturday, March 28, 2009
a return to Abalone Cove
I'm back again, like i'd promissed myself.. and finished off what i have not able to achieve the previous visit. And this time with a little surprise. Season change, and i like that ! :) Flowers!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Grand Canyon Trip
Went for a trip to Grand Canyon for one of the long weekend. It's a 1100+ miles(1770km) round trip! This time it's traveling towards the East, No longer up north or down to the south. We've drove across 2 states. Nevada and Arizona. Grand Canyon isnt much if you're not gonna hike down. But it's a very hard hike. Due to the overall height of about 6k feet, oxygen were very thin. you'll be inhalling like no body business. 3 big gulps of breath and you'll probably get one gulp of oxygen.. and it's very cold there. It's from -3 to 0 degree celsius overall, but that's not what makes us cold. It's the strong wind that kills you! :D but well it's fun. Spent 2 days at Grand Canyon. Then off we go, drove another route home, pass by route 66. Was anticipating sometime similiar with the featured animation "Cars". But seen nothing similiar other than some of the shops there, tiny wodden shops. Route 66 is a long route. probably we're not in the correct portion of it :) But we enjoyed it. Then head up to Hoover Dam, another few hours drive. It was so crowded, we were thinking if it's because of Transformers the movie that made that place famous, or it's because it was famous and Transformers had on of their scene captured there. The dam is the border line of Arizona and Nevada. And there is a 1 hour difference between this 2 states. So we're like crossing a time zone. back and forth. Stopped nearby for sunset. then drove home! It was a 8+ hour drive when we're going to Grand Canyon. And the journey home took us 16 hours ! wow.. and it sets a record on my driving book.

the route we took for the whole trip

hoover dam

grand canyon

an abandoned building on route 66



and some fun with the shot :D
more photos here
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Angels Gate Park, San Pedro
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Finally.. did not expect it to arrive that early! it was as described. Mint condition! really really good deal! cant wait to load my first roll and try it out! best deal ever. The metering is weak though. probably it's the battery, or it's my dark room condition. gotta bring out and shoot this weekend. Feels great!
finally my OM lenses can be fully utilized. And they finally able to meet their real mom!

Can't wait! ..
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Happy 牛 year!
Woke up early in the morning around 3am, and head out around 4 with 2 cars going up north with freeway I-5. Wanted to go see sunrise and some snow today :) Decided a spot where we want to head up to the hills to watch sunrise. But then ended up, it's a trail that we have to walk and hike. It's about 4.3miles (6.8km) length. I almost broke my leg. Strained too much on the tendons, very tiring. Nothing much up there though. So we head down again and head for our breakfast. It took us 2 hours non stop up and down the trail. Then to mount Pinos to check out if there are still snow up there :) since winter is ending now. Just trying our luck and we're lucky enough. well, it's only i that have not seen snow before. So it's understandable that im like a little kid that see a giant pile of sand and just wanted to jump on in and play (that's what i did when i was a kid though) :) anyway it's a fun experience. and a great Chinese New Year trip. Will head down L.A for the Chinese New Year Parade. Expecting fire crackers! will see. cheers ! and Happy Chinese New Year everyone!.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
welcome 2009
it's been a busy early 2009. been working very hard for the past week. and i think it's worth the sleepless nights :) Always would take my sweet time to work on something way out of my job scope during my crunch time! :D and this is what i have came up with.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Good Bye 2008!
It's been a very happening year for me. It's a year where the turning point of life is. And also a bigger leap of my career happened in this year. Hopefully it'll be as good as 2008 in this new 2009.
Greetings all!. During the last few days of 2008, we drove up to San Francisco and meet up with the rest of mates that went Lake Tahoe and Yosemite for thier snowboarding and snow playing! :) I thought it's gonna be a lonely and boring end of 2008. Because was planned to stayed in my room and play xbox360 throughout 2008. Well, nope i did not. and i'm glad that i did not. It's my best trip ever! I can't even describe how pretty the scenery was. It's so amazing throughout the whole freeway. Used to drive long hours from Singapore to Kuantan, yeah pekan had some nice coastline view. but it's so different. I just can't describe, and the worse is i can't even capture it with my camera :D have to be there and experience your own and you'll know what im saying! anyway, cut short. more photos :) will have to trouble abit as i'll be just posting links here to my flickr account.
Enjoy :)
Happy New 2009!
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