always wanted to get into zbrushing, and always things turn out worse than i'd expect i'll be doing.. firstly having technical difficulties, secondly, very time consuming to go through the video tutorials i had with me for years! :p . Thanks to a buddy of mine that guide me through the stuffs that i've known and things that i've not known. and finally the "WTF!" stage is over! and got hang of it already.
And are having real fun with it! wip. . usavich! :) an interpretation of my version..

still lost more to learn , ways to do things faster etc.. i guess it takes time and practice. ah! at least something i enjoy doing :) i picked this line up from a tutorial by a concept artist he said "i prefer starting straight from zbrush and have fun with it. Instead of starting the base mesh from 3rd party 3d apps. because by the time when u get your base mesh ready from there, you might already loose your interest with it." which i think it's dang true, that's at least what happened to me, not sure for everyone else here. always caught up by the technical stuffs from 3dmax or maya, the amount of afford to put in there took out a large portion of my interest to continue on sculpting it. or simply, maybe i just suck at it! :D oh well .. more to come!
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