Woke up early this morning, never been this early before. Been loooong i'm not waken up be the rooster next door. Ah, love my home, chickens running everywhere, birds singing, coconut trees, fruit trees, green grass... :)
took out my camera and start shooting, looking at things that i always came across when i was young. It's really been years, and things have changed soo much. but the feeling i had for my home, remains the same. "home sweet home". Maybe those that are always around or stay in their home couldn't feel anything about being away from home. It's not fun :p its sweet that can always around in the place where we were brought up. Climbing trees, throwing rocks and stray dogs, blasting toads with fire crackers :p ... all those "playground" that i used to play around. sweet.. Hope im able to stay longer so that i can try my best to capture down the essence of my childhood with my camera.. well it wont be the same anymore.. but at least.. i could capture something out of it. ah time to go around town for photography already.

small lily grown in a fish pond

place where i can never reach when i was small, but trying so hard to reach..

1 comment:
hey fren, didn't know that u have a blogspot blog o~~~ Visit me often ya~~ Hehehee~~~
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