Sunday, January 25, 2009

Happy 牛 year!

Woke up early in the morning around 3am, and head out around 4 with 2 cars going up north with freeway I-5. Wanted to go see sunrise and some snow today :) Decided a spot where we want to head up to the hills to watch sunrise. But then ended up, it's a trail that we have to walk and hike. It's about 4.3miles (6.8km) length. I almost broke my leg. Strained too much on the tendons, very tiring. Nothing much up there though. So we head down again and head for our breakfast. It took us 2 hours non stop up and down the trail. Then to mount Pinos to check out if there are still snow up there :) since winter is ending now. Just trying our luck and we're lucky enough. well, it's only i that have not seen snow before. So it's understandable that im like a little kid that see a giant pile of sand and just wanted to jump on in and play (that's what i did when i was a kid though) :)  anyway it's a fun experience. and a great Chinese New Year trip. Will head down L.A for the Chinese New Year Parade. Expecting fire crackers!  will see. cheers ! and Happy Chinese New Year everyone!. 

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

welcome 2009

it's been a busy early 2009. been working very hard for the past week. and i think it's worth the sleepless nights :) Always would take my sweet time to work on something way out of my job scope during my crunch time! :D and this is what i have came up with. 

happy new 2009 and chinese new year is at the corner of this week. Too bad there isn't holiday here. First time not having my chinese new year with family and friends. thanks to the technology now, im still able to web cam home to 拜个年。

在这里恭祝大家,新年快乐!happy牛year!和家人,朋友过个快乐的新年! 还有,祝大家的新年愿望能够实现。

Monday, January 5, 2009

Good Bye 2008!

It's been a very happening year for me. It's a year where the turning point of life is. And also a bigger leap of my career happened in this year. Hopefully it'll be as good as 2008 in this new 2009. 

Greetings all!. During the last few days of 2008, we drove up to San Francisco and meet up with the rest of mates that went Lake Tahoe and Yosemite for thier snowboarding and snow playing! :) I thought it's gonna be a lonely and boring end of 2008. Because was planned to stayed in my room and play xbox360 throughout 2008. Well, nope i did not. and i'm glad that i did not. It's my best trip ever! I can't even describe how pretty the scenery was. It's so amazing throughout the whole freeway. Used to drive long hours from Singapore to Kuantan, yeah pekan had some nice coastline view. but it's so different. I just can't describe, and the worse is i can't even capture it with my camera :D have to be there and experience your own and you'll know what im saying! anyway, cut short. more photos :) will have to trouble abit as i'll be just posting links here to my flickr account. 

Enjoy :) 
Happy New 2009!