It's company's anniversary celebration last friday. We get a day off and a free ticket to Knott's Berry Farm, and then we head on to Disneyland after the crazy day in Knott. Had a HARDWORKING day until 12am! Bought my annual pass for Disneyland, we'll be there more often for photoshooting and rides! so i decided not to take too much photos cos it's really tiring after the whole day rides in Knott's Berry Farm, those are crazy rides. Never had so much fun in a day before. So decided to just focus on the rides and have fun! yeap. And it's just all about having fun :D will keep my writing short. and post some photos here i found interesting. For full coverage of photos,and if you're interested can drop by at my flickr site and check them out. And i found that blogger's image posting is a pain in the *ss. The rearrangement of photos just kill me. and the window for the compose is so small. :( anyway. i had lots of FUN! and that concludes my weekend.

shah went crazy over the train! tooot!

this is the best ride so far! almost 90 degrees down and splash! :)

this is the one they are starring at :)

getting ready up to a roughly 30 stories high verticle drop ride! it's crazy
silver bullet ride! the first ride we took when we reach there. It's also one crazy ride where i cant keep my eyes open :) we took the front row! weeee
me and Lawrence. thanks to DS for this shot
And few shots from Disneyland. The house of the terror! best ride of the day :D It's an Elevator that went crazy after it got haunted. i can see my camera bag floating and my self off the seat. weehee! I lost my voice the next day because of the extreme shouting and screaming from the rides. what a fun day.
Inside the tower for terror
Abe and his pirate makeup
our second ride !
this is how it looks from outside
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